May 14Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

It’s possible to care too much and lose yourself. Sounds like you gave your all and were not nourished in return. I’m sorry your dream became your nightmare. I wish you healing and peace as you move into your next chapter.

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Thank you so much, Melanie - I think that is exactly true <3

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May 13Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

And now her watch has ended.

Just know that your younger self look at everything you’ve accomplished and how hard you held onto your principles and be immensely proud.

Thanks for everything you’ve done. Enjoy the world, you’ve been better to it than most.

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Thank you - that means so much more to me than you know!

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The rewards of journalism are few and far between. I've been there. The good times are cherished and the other moments are buried. You were the better part of Status Coup and I believe you have an edge in the courage department. You're quite an impressive person. I'll miss your reporting. I wish you all the best. Take care of yourself and be well. Brian

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Taking time to heal and taking care of your mental health are very important (I learned the hard way). I hope you do well in your next venture. Your writing will be missed.

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It is so unjust that lying pays so well and truth telling so poorly. I have given up main stream western media for good. So sorry about your burn out. Hi from Canada.

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I've been following you for a couple years, Jenn ...

I noticed an interruption last year and I am not surprised at your decision ...

May I suggest you keep it here on Substack and start writing about "prioritizing my health, rebuilding relationships, and finding new ways to make a difference for justice" ...

When you get there, you can count on me to SUB ...

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Going it alone---I really understand---and it wasn't in vain. Sending you a big hug and eternal thanks.

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You did respectable work, Jenn. What's not to be proud of? You will incorporate it into the next thing you do, and you will succeed.

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I've been in a similar position more times than I can count. You have nothing to apologize for. You have succeeded spectacularly because YOU ARE STILL HERE AND FIGHTING. That's all that matters in the long run--that you hang in there and keep fighting for what you believe in, no matter how that fight might look like today from the first time you fought, no matter what others might say. Take care of yourself first and foremost always. Thank you for you courage!

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HI Jenn, so sorry to hear about the cost to you of doing journalism. Yeah, it can be *brutal.

Please know that you've done some amazing work, which means you have a real future in writing.

I believe in you. Take care.

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I was discouraged when you left Status Coup. I get that it was personal, but I believe the rewards might have been greater overall had you stayed. I enjoyed listening to your commentary, and sometimes, for us audio types, listening is better than reading. Just a hint: please make up and do some guest spots if you and Jordan can mend fences. He clearly could use the support and his voice and Status Coup are important to the Left media. Something to consider...

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I'm one of the latter, Jenn. One who will be - is already - sad. 😔 I know you remember me from the chat in the previous job you mentioned. I'm the one who cared, who pushed back against the bullying mods your arrogant partner (in spite of being a passionate journalist) was want to hire : the thuggish block happy Paul, his sniggering buddy cop Michael, and worst of all the psychotic, ban-happy Beauty, who delighted in threatening good people who wouldn't bow to her demands. Even former long troll Skeptical was a mod after I had left. God, the scars those garbage people left on me! Of course I didn't mention the good ones, and I won't do so here. The best one married your partner, and the other good one was Double D. The rest were and probably still are the worst examples of the human race, short of Zionists and other sadistic criminals.

Because of the grotesquely named Beauty, I never went back and I never knew why you left exactly. And of course none of my friends who knew you then will tell me. 🙄 So If you ever want to share I promise to keep your confidence. You can follow and DM WiccanGreen. But you shouldn't if you have any reservations. But if I were you I'd seriously consider writing a book about that job, warts and all. Your story would be valuable to help other women decide on following the same passion.

While you were there, you were the most awesome lady I ever saw in any similar job. You weren't a hell raiser like I try to be on Twitter, and that's exactly what made you so special - the way you responded to everything. Jenn Dize, you are loved and adored. ♥️♥️🔥🔥

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The image of you, Jen, reporting from your bed, seriously ill with Covid-19, which you contacted from covering a political rally, sticks in my memory. Just one example of your dedication and professionalism. Thank you for all your great reporting and I wish you the best in your new pursuits.

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Jenn, you have done so much and inspired so many.

The fact that you recognize the need to step back and take some care of yourself speaks even further to your wisdom.

There are others whose flames have come alive with your incredible and brave journalism— let them keep the fire burning for a while, and I look forward to reading your new creations put forth.

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A healthy and happy person will tend to thrive more in their work than one who isn't. You've had a rough ride. Your years of hard work and sacrifice bordering on despair was not for naught. You have gained invaluable experience and knowledge for future endeavors. Everything you've done in journalism was leading you to this decision. Take all the time you need to get healthy and make yourself happy. "Follow your bliss" into journalism or work that makes you happy. Then, you are ready for greatness. The country and perhaps the world will eventually know your name Jenn.

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Take care of yourself Jenn.

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