Jenn, Thanks for the true courage in exposing JD. I can hardly watch him and his sycophants anymore--constantly gaslighting us as if we were stupid. Using his logic, which once had something behind it, he is arguing against his views to anyone critically thinking.

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She failed to expose anything, she posted screenshots of emails that didn't have a plum fuck to do with Jimmy Dore. I just wrote a six thousand word article taking Jenn and her nonsense to task. You're welcome to read it tomorrow morning when it publishes. I go line by line through this "stack" and pick it apart.

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This is absolutely hilarious please send it to me immediately

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Hi Jenn,

It’s been more than 6 hours since I posted my work. In that time you’ve shared it repeatedly with meaningless quotes on top, but so far I’ve not received any meaningful response from you.

As I eluded to in my own quote of your quote-stack of my work, I will be documenting your responses and publishing them in a follow-up piece next week. As due diligence on my part, please find this as formal notice for request for comment. I will be publishing the follow up with or without it Wednesday morning, Wednesday being the 20th of September, 2023.

I would hope to have your response prior to midnight on Tuesday, the 19th. Thank you in advance.

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Happy to! My response is that you and your "piece" are delusional, my piece speaks for itself, and stay tuned.

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Oh great, thanks. I look forward to including this non-comment and petty insult in the follow-up.

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I look forward to your non reply, Jenn.

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Hi Jenn,

It’s been several hours. I assume you’re busy writing a reply. I look forward to it. I’ll keep checking back in - I’m off today from my busy fan-boy-ing, so I have plenty of time to keep in the loop.


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I realize you don't have anything else to do but you need to calm down. Some of us have lives. I'll respond to this insanity shortly.

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I'm back and done skimming now. I urge everyone to read this and see what Jimmy's fans are on about. Absolutely unhinged behavior.

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Hi Jenn,

Thanks for the speedy reply. I’m sure your fundraisers and Democrat boosting occupies so much of your precious time. Please take as much as you’d like, I just like to keep a constant contact going with my subjects..

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Hi Jenn,

Just checking in again before I go to lunch. I’ll be away from my desk from noon-2pm PST today. Please be aware if you respond during this time I will get back to you as soon as possible

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Your name says it all about you. Too scared to be real. You are most likely a paid troll.

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Sad to see that most of the comments here are from trolls/Dore stans. Three different people formerly associated in some way with Jimmy Dore who have never been accused of being anything but honest by most people on the left before--you, Graham, and Jordan--have so far come forward with the same story that Dore was getting paid by Allard in part to promote his anti-vax views, which is very believable given that his content shifted so noticeably toward emphasizing the same sort of Covid-minimizing, vax-questioning narrative of the likes of John Campbell, Max Blumenthal, Russell Brand (who Jimmy has been defending on Twitter), Bret Weinstein, etc. around mid-2021, and these fools have the nerve to suggest that you're lying or don't know what you're talking about with regard to Jimmy.

Anyway, I've been calling out Dore and other formerly consistent leftists (as well as RFK, just a liberal) who have been pushing this nonsense on my YouTube channel as well as my Substack ever since I saw what was happening with Jimmy. It's been a frustrating experience and has brought a lot of vitriol down on me from the Doreknobs, but I'm gonna keep doing it. So glad to see Graham come forward about this and you back him up with all these receipts (although I wish you got more views/reads)! Even though I don't always agree with you or Graham (though I usually do), both of you have unimpeachable integrity, which unfortunately seems very rare in the left YouTuber/blogger community. And I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming on my show some time to talk about your investigation. Maybe if those of us who are trying to call Jimmy's awful Covid takes out but don't have more than a tiny fraction of his reach could combine our efforts, we could reach more people about this.

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I posted this as a reply on Twitter but think it’s clarifying: My sense and what I’ve said is that Jimmy may believe what he is putting down or has at least slipped into that and that the money from big donors who want a certain thing + his newfound anti-vax fans ($$$$) who’ve crowned him king equals a hell of a lot of reason to continue doing his (incredibly damaging) thing no matter if it’s the truth or not.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

And what is this last sentence - "no matter if it's the truth or not", if what Jimmy's video content is the truth or not??... if your opinion is the truth or not?? what are you referring to. This comment is far from clarifying, it is infuriating. It is a luke warm, half a back-peddle, hold on, wait a minute, "what I meant to say but couldn't fit into my super long article" retraction cloaked in a twitter post.

So you disagree with Jimmy's content and find it incredibly damaging. There is nothing wrong with holding this opinion and writing a million articles upon it.

And you think Jimmy Dore is tailoring his content to attract big donors and an "anti-vax" audience for more views. There is nothing wrong with holding this opinion and writing a million articles upon it - as long as and here's the key, it is couched as opinion.

You were wrong to present your opinions in this article as fact with screenshots and photos that at quick glance imply real proof of something sinister.

You are morally wrong with what you have done here. That's a fact.

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He demonstrably and consistently lies about covid and many other things. What I am saying is clear. Back peddle? Absolutely not. Watch the video again if you need to wrap your mind around this.

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Are you going to return your Allard award?

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I did not win an Allard award - look more closely

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It feels like you've been doing this so long you don't even realize when you're being demeaning or insulting

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I am not the only person who read your article that thinks you have made statements and not provided proof to back up those statements. This guy can't be dismissed as an average Jimmy Dore fan like you are doing to me

Brian Lacy

Bring in the missing evidence, Jenn... Going only 1/2 way is an ok start, but to really punch, show evidence for every claim made. Give yourself firm ground to stand on which will provide space for people to join you there?

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

This is a very different sentiment than originally expressed in your article. I would have never reacted or commented on such an OPINION. You took a stand that Jimmy Dore took money, was told what to say, he had no morals, or backbone, or personal standards, and would spout anything if it meant he would get paid.

And I'm not sure why you are using the phrase "My sense of what I've said..." My sense of what I've said???!!! really?! WTF

Your sense of what you said is wrong. You said something totally different. You are all over the place.

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My sense AND. I have not changed a thing about what I am saying. Don’t you have anything else to do?

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Are you publicly shaming me for responding to your article and reacting to your verbally abusive responses made to a bunch of different readers not just me? You have so many excuses for your own behaviour and bad "reporting" it's unbelievable. I don't expect you to see any truth in anything I have written here, but other people will and yes that's worth my time. Everyone can see Jimmy Dore coming ALL his bullshit is on full display. His bias, self interest, drug habit, hollow desire for fame, anger, confusion, hurt, his inability to grasp complex data, reading level, but he grapples with all these things openly. You on the other hand have it all figured out. You know what's right in every situation and never make any mistakes and is wrapped in a sweet smile and an earnest "I just value the truth!" proclamations. "I want to save people and everyone else who disagrees with me wants to hurt people." YOU are dangerous, YOU are injurious. How dare you take away the autonomy of another woman by even imagining you know what goes on in the full relationship between Steph and Jimmy. You have no right to say what you said in the video. Is she trapped? Is Steph brainwashed? Is she incapable of making a free choice? You're "here for her" when she gets away from Jimmy?? Do you think she appreciates that kind public comment on her and her relationship? Who the fuck do you think you are??? Outrageous hubris, off the scale self importance. What a fucking joke.

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Lady you are not worth the back and forth. Go bother someone else - I’m doing journalism over here.

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If you're taking good money to sing anti-vax praises, then yeah, you're going to do so. Hate to say it, but my suspicion always rises whenever a media celebrity goes on and on and on on just one subject like JD has in recent times on the anti-vax issue. It's sad he's sold out.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Dore sold out long ago. Like Glenn Greenwald and many more doing an about face and joining the libertarians & the "lets work with neonazis" that is finally exposing who they are. Sold out isn't even the word for it. It's more like finally settled in their camps using leftists to get there.

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Yep - it's horrifying

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I have additionally blocked Rich Slutzky who frankly is displaying unhinged behavior as you can see from the comments.

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Note: I have blocked commenter “Jen” for reasons you can clearly see from various strange posts

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He sold out and sold out hard. Sucks

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The article just seems to imply he did and as a source, cites the author itself. It seems deeply trip long to only post this years after it could have been helpful. Frankly, I’ve never seen such a thin hatchet job this side of The Daily Beast, I’m shocked people are willing to find it so credible bereft of any proof.

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“Hatchet job” - apply this to people you are not a fan of. Are you okay with it?

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I apply it to anyone making salacious accusations against people bereft of evidence. I wrote a whole article myself critiquing you + other baselessly accusing Dore of various nonsensical crap over the past few years and why he continues to come out the other side smelling like Portland Roses every time. You can check it out tomorrow morning.

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Lol you’re the saddest fanboy yet

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I like how you have to stoop to cheap invective to make your points

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Because you and I are not on the same planet and so there is no point in having a substantive conversation with you.

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Deeply troubling** my apologies for the iOS 17 autocorrect error

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Just watched some of your LIVE video

quotes from you

"No, I do not have direct knowledge of Jimmy's specific deal."

"I speculate that Jimmy received that much [$50,000] if not a hell of a lot more."

"I do not hold the opinion that Jimmy totally sold out just for money that he would've held a hint of these views otherwise, but I do think it helped push hime over the edge."

Your personal "knowledge" based on experiences you personally had, and speculations and conclusions you draw from them are NOT facts and not enough to declare that an egregious wrong has been committed in the public sphere. You are presenting untruths without , it seems, even realizing it. Thinking you are so omniscient is a really hard place to come back from.

You are really sloppy with blurring opinion with fact, and speculation with knowledge. you should be more careful with how you present these and make sure they are clearly separated.

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You'd make a fantastic litigator. Or at the very least, the best paralegal. Great find. I hope you don't mind but I'll be citing this reply of yours in an upcoming piece. :)

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Very worthwhile muckraking to ideally clear the air / expose grifting wherever the evidence leads.

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Bring in the missing evidence, Jenn... Going only 1/2 way is an ok start, but to really punch, show evidence for every claim made. Give yourself firm ground to stand on which will provide space for people to join you there?

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Jenn Dize : Never in my life have I accepted money with the requirement to report anything. Others have. That's the difference. But you knew that.

Me : Are you saying that Jimmy Dore accepted money with the requirement to report something? A non response to this question is an answer in itself


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WHERE'S THE PROOF? just because you disagree with Jimmy's content doesn't magically translate into a pay for play scheme

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All you have is supposition and biased opinion rooted in broken "friendships" wah wah should be the title of your article

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Why don't you write out your response, be explicit, " I Jenn Dize have incontrovertible proof that Jimmy Dore took money to make video content that opposed his own values in order to make money"

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Also, as a general comment, Jenn responding to each comment that readers post that disagree with you in the way you have done here is immature and weird. You are working, writing, and putting effort into creating a brand for yourself, saying "Hi readers, I am a serious writer and journalist worthy of your hard earned dollars to support me in this pursuit" Comments like the ones you have made below are just so stupid. The motivation and negative energy behind them is beyond me, I don't get it. If someone posts a comment you disagree with in the future either confront them factually or just say thank you for your comment and move on. Be thankful that anyone is reading your work at all.

ex 1 Lol you’re the saddest fanboy yet

ex 2 I truly wish for you a reversal in brain damage

ex 3 What the fuck are you even going on about?

the language and tone reflects negatively on you no matter what the content of the original post is, you can only control what you write, and what you have written in these replies, in my opinion, reflects small mindedness and a lack of self respect. grow up

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Why should I respond to vitriol with kind comments? Do you tone police your master Jimmy Dore?

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Also why are assuming I like Jimmy Dore? I can think your article is really bad without liking Jimmy Dore - what has really motivated my comments is the solicitation. The fact that you are trying to get donations and paid subscriptions by slandering someone else. The article was gross and I would think that even if I loathed Jimmy Dore - It's about you Jenn Dize not the other JD

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You have demoted your potential to catty comments that go no where, a place the "Real Left" seems most comfortable these days, a continuous jockeying of "I know you are, but what I am I?", where the first person to take a breath loses. You are in fact just stupid and insecure, and because of this I'm holding back.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

My point exactly - yes it is my opinion that even the negative comments should be met professionally. If you worked within a professional environment such childish back and forths with potential paying subscribers would not be tolerated. My point is - be your own fucking tone police, because you're doing a really shitty job

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Absolutely and Indeed! ( just thought I would stroke my own ego and emphasize how much I agree with myself in my echo chamber of 1)

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How courageous is it to promote & defend what the entire Mainstream throughout the entire Goddamned West agrees with?

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I truly wish for you a reversal in brain damage

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This smacks of a hit piece on the heels of the West interview. Given your own boosting of Cornel West and bashing of MPP, I’m going to chalk this up to spin. I would be interested in seeing proof of financial transaction, rather than “I don’t know how to screenshot PDFs”.

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What the fuck are you even going on about? Are you under the impression I don’t know how to screenshot pdfs?

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Your article shows someone taking photos of one phone with another, so yes..

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I took a picture of the agenda on someone's phone so I would have it that weekend. You're doing a really good job here!

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Yeah, congratulations on not knowing what a screenshot is. Very on brand.

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Evidence is the key. Dize is sticking her neck out and I hope ppl like you and me will treat each other w respect and sincerity to dig and share truths.

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What the hell is your point?

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jimmy dore sold out and harms people - keep up!

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Her real point is that her funding, including travel assignments with accommodation and travel expenses, got cut off from someone who she was "friends" with and then started to disagree with. They decided the relationship wasn't working out anymore because, from the posted communications, she started being a liability and tiresome a.k.a. annoying as fuck. This person was apparently also funding Jimmy Dore, who seems to have had and continues to have parallel interests, but because Jenn Dize was burnt and had no control over her funding being cutoff, she concocted an angle of loosely held together facts to write an article to serve as a funding petition to email to easily swayed uninformed readers. It's embarrassing for her all around and reads like mean-girl-snarky-high-school-hallway gossip. Hope your ploy for money and subscribers works Jenn. She is having a hard time understanding that people who provide large amounts in funds most likely have an agenda and may stop funding if you stop being congruent with that agenda. Jimmy Dore does not play for pay, if he did he could change his video content and go after way bigger fish than Peter Allard. Unlike Jenn Dize, Jimmy Dore has reach and therefore leverage. Mean-girl Dize has a huge case of the Jellize.

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Feel free to ask any of these people if I'm a mean girl. What I am is someone who has earnestly been sad about what has happened to former allies and independent media and is on the receiving end of disgusting vitriol by your lot who refuse to live on this planet with the rest of us.

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This comment doesn't make sense to me - "me" and "my lot" vs "the rest of us" ??? - quick to judge and make black and white statements that can only lead to conflict and opposition. Jenn do you have a personality disorder, borderline maybe?

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My diagnoses include generalized anxiety, depression, and chronic PTSD. You?

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Absolutely incorrect. Reading is key.

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i know how to read and form my own opinions thanks

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Makes perfect sense. Thanks. I think she went off the rails a while ago but, what do I know?Lol

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So basically this guy was fine until Jenn stopped liking him, and he dissented from her narrow, preordained worldview. Got it. Smacks of jealousy and sour grapes

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Indeed and Absolutely. I read and enjoyed your article, it was both informative and hilarious as Jenn thought it might be. You have a good sense of humour and thoroughly address Jenn's slapped together article. My inference is that she needs money and has stitched together "hot topics" and high profile names, to exploit West-Dore controversy as you pointed out to fabricate an issue where there is none. Question: Does using the one word response "Indeed" make Jenn seem high-brow and intelligent? I dunno...

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"informative" lmao - again, average Jimmy Dore fan.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

I think a journalist would be above lol's and lmao's... also my impression of Jimmy Dore is that he's entertaining and also annoying and bias in whole list of ways, but he's not a hypnotist or brainwasher. I think subscribers to his show and your subscribers are smart enough to know the difference between fact and bias and can balance media messages from a multitude of sources - we don't require your babysitting or misclassification - you don't know what I am a fan of or not of except for this article - NOT A FAN

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Thank you! That means the world to me, and I’m glad it could bring a little levity to a very dumb situation.

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This sadly has been what I see too. Jenn has plenty of time to make "sorry about your brain" retorts but no time to thoroughly back up her many claims with essential evidence. This tactic will not serve her or any genuine truths she may be addressing, bc it'll be lost in ankle biting rather than evidence inspection and discussion.

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I hope people read this article and unsubscribe to continue your downward spiral of unpopularity

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I don’t care about being “popular,” I care about the truth.

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debatable given current article

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Go ask Jimmy to deny it. Press him based on what you have learned here. Additionally- stay tuned.

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