Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Smells like malignant narcissism.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Thanks for reporting on this. I have always felt that Williamson was hard to pin down on most political and social issues.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

As someone who used to be heavily into the New Age community and left because of all the reasons above, seeing Williamson grift people on the national stage infuriates me. This kind of behaviour is so common among so-called ‘spiritual leaders.’ Thank you so much for doing the hard work of exposing the lies behind the ‘love.’

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I've unfortunately heard this a lot. It's very sad!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

I am actually glad about this.

I am happy because this followed up my statements and I don't feel alone.

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Her campaign isn’t a book tour, and she hired staff to handle ballot access. You need to recant your statement.

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No I don't.


Going to bed. Have to work in the morning.

Blessed Be.

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Yes ya do. Not sure how you sleep at night....

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White noise machine.

Does wonders.

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more like white lies. 🤧

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Hey look. All I'm saying is that I'm glad I'm not alone in my experience. The fact that these others came out to say the same (and more) makes me know I'm not alone. Now... and I mean this sincerely... if you want to have a good faith discussion about it, I'm down for that. We can definitely make that happen. But I really do need to work in the morning so I am going to bed. But I will recant nothing. I said my peace in my post and that's where it stays. I feel no need to expand on it for any reason. But I assure you that nothing I said was a lie. I WILL offer you this... the book tour portion was strictly speculation on my part.

Now... If you would like to have a discussion, let me know. I'm willing. But I WILL NOT go beyond anything I've already stated and I WILL NOT berate the campaign or its staff or volunteers in any way.

So do you want to talk or no?

Let me know. I'll check in after work.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Unfortunate. I use to read her books long before she got into politics. Truth is, they never did much connect with me, but I did at least think she meant well.

Maybe she still does? She is human with flaws, but hearing these problems in her campaign spearheaded by her seemingly terrible attitude is too bad. I'd like her to step down and endorse Cornel West, the TRUE progressive candidate in this election imo.

Thanks Jenn!

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My understanding is that most people do think she means well. But this is beyond anything I've ever seen in politics or professionally and I think it's brave so many came forward.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Yes. Always love the truth tellers!

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Jenn Dize | Courage News

Thank you.

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looks like members of her 'social media army' found this substack...

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I have been prepared for anything

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It was a surprise to see the Indie-Left so taken in by this woman, to begin with, during the previous administration and election campaign.

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democratic party bullshit

democrats suck

I would never vote for Williamson, the magical thinking huckster, and i'll never vote for the inveterate liar Joe Biden. Shitlibs be damned

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"I would never vote for Williamson, the magical thinking huckster, and i'll never vote for the inveterate liar Joe Biden. Shitlibs be damned" Somewhere you think that equates being a shitlib censoring democrat? Green party Cornel West 2024. Not voting bloo so f&%# you

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Shitlibs aren’t very creative. The just default to the “your one of them” exemplified in the ‘newsmax or qanon’. Why not ‘the nation or scheerpost’? Oh that’s right, you’re too busy smearing the working class as trumpets or Russian bots or clamoring for censorship then to take the time to read. Shitlibs are worse than chuds

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its sad statement on people in the US that they have to have 'favorite' politicians.

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Jill Stein - Doctor who helps people

Marianne Williamson - peddler of 'magical thinking' books

I wonder who the grifter is......

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you are a classsic shitlib

Russian conspiracy or people just hate Hillary Clinton....

Lets choose the conspiracy.

Your worse than a chud - just a bootlicker who loves crappy politicians

what books do you read? David Corn LOL

I'll take Jill Stein for the win. You can have the pedophile enabler hillary

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I bet you love watching that fab award winning journalist Jen Psaki

you sound very well informed ......

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I've got a better idea! Lets start a proxy war with Russia so Hunter Biden can snort more coke and get more hookers? Sound good? errrrrrrr

Ya now that is what I call 'policy'.......LOL

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Thank you Jen, this was a damming piece. Honesty worth the read, you were talked about on a podcast!!!

Wished this piece was on bigger news sources, but all reporters are important. ❤️

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Thank you Winter for going to her after crying to Marianne the night before.

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You do not know the reasons why I cried, nor do you even care. Bye .

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I do. You said so on the zoom call. And I do care. I care about you switched up overnight. and now you believe that that campaign is a cult.

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Lmao. Darin, I’ve spoken to many volunteers who are still with the campaign. Who heard my heartbreak & frustration with the campaign!

Of course you made it all about Marianne. You do not deserve a full explanation. Ive always been skeptical & questioned literally EVERYTHING and that’s exactly what I did!

You asking me on the phone about who I was allegedly talk too, you telling me others were skeptical about my loyalty due to my tweets. It was a witch hunt & you know that their is a army full of people, ready, to attack anyone who dissents.

Take a full look in the mirror and realize you’re inside a cult . Y’all are so ego driven it’s not even funny.

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Winter you spoke directly to Marianne, and shared your frustrations with her. You laid everything out to HER. And you apologized to Her.

It wasn’t a witch hunt. We were literally perplexed by the complete 180 you pulled.

I could say that you’re in the cult of AOC by that metric.

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No it’s not just me, people are scared to leave. I’ve spoken to people. Stop it !

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When people are gaslit they’ll apologize after they call out BS, and that’s what I did, I was confused, mad, angry.

It was a normal response to apologize.

Lmfao of course you bring in AOC, I criticize her in the past and in the present. You can’t do that at all. Of course I’ll disagree with those who are criticizing her for stupid reasons, but those reasons are my opinions and people have theirs.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

I find it amusing, yet predictable, that her progressive staff would be offended by her policy not to ask about pronouns at meetings...how dare she veer from the strict political orthodoxy!

The hostility towards her spirituality is also predictable...most progressives have no interest in and no understanding of any form of spirituality, which they believe is a bourgeois preoccupation which has nothing to do with the real world (of Marxism)!

As far as narcissism, this is the relatively new, trendy label that is used to discredit anyone with whom a person disagrees or has difficulties, by individuals who wouldn't define what a woman is, "not being biologists", but who can diagnose narcissism instantly, being somehow experts in the field of psychology!

By the way I am not a member of her "social media army", nor do I have any interest in supporting her or any other current candidate from either party.

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Your comment is an exercise in deflection.

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Book tours can be the worse, but Marianne's really got to stop gaslighting folks into thinking she's actually running for president. It was fairly obvious from her appearance on the RBN podcast a couple of months ago that she's not serious. She's worth millions, so she can afford to retire now--unlike some of us working stiffs who'll work until we fall over.

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this is article is ghetto, poorly written, and very one sided. Why didn’t you include all of the positive tweets? this is laughable.

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Darin - "tweets" are not reporting. I recommend you read the article (and you'd see why that is especially the case in this instance). Feel free to come back with very specific concerns you have, if there are any.

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I did. We weren’t incentivized for “protecting” Marianne. Volunteers were praised and given a one-on-one time with Marianne for having the best tweet for our tweet storms. And I guarantee you many volunteers with positive experiences reached out to you and you decided not to use their words in this piece. Again, ghetto & poorly written. No wonder why the mainstream media didn’t want to pick this up.

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I have noted in the piece why there are potentially different experiences for some volunteers vs staff. I also noted that some volunteers disagreed. Again, reading it fully may be helpful to you.

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You never shared quotes that differed from the negative ones.

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Is it your position that because some volunteers, which as you can read are allegedly treated very differently from staffers, may have positive quotes as fans and/or those who are desperate for change (as am I) this negates the real and lived experiences of those who witnessed the campaign from the inside? Over a dozen of them?

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It is your position to present all of the facts as you see it. You never presented differing experiences from the blatant curse words and “fear” based statements. That piece was not fair and balance. It was pure anger porn.

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Really sit with this one, Darin. The truth is I feel very bad for people who are so blinded they can't see it.

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As is your grammar.

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lmao Jeremy btw she hired staff for ballot access. and she isn’t promoting her book.

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Again, please read the piece.

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How much were they paid for the Smear.

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Hi Don - please ask any questions if you have them - and actually read the piece.

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What’s ironic here is that no one is talking about the fact that Marianne Williamson is a multimillionaire. She lives in Beverly Hills. Can you imagine this pretentious scam artist telling working class people that she is going to make their lives better? Her voice is disgusting

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She does not live in Beverly Hills. She lives in DC. She hasn’t lived Cali in 8 years.

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hey keep having 'favorite' politicians, especially ones who peddle 'magical thinking'

I'm sure her 'team' wants to scrub the internet of her weekly meetings at the saban theater but its too late. She will always have a residence with her 'base' who reside in Beverly Hills. DC, the city of political hucksters is just an extension of that.


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She doesn’t preach on magical thinking or purport to believe in the prosperity gospel. Her whole philosophy is built on the premise of cultivating a life of forgiveness so that we can live with peace within ourselves and that peace extending outward to create a healed humanity. If you don’t jive with that, okay...that’s your right.

Oh cares that she held weekly meetings. Marianne isn’t ashamed of her work.

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she obviously didn't choose to hold those same meetings in Boyle Heights for very shrewd reasons LOL. The Beverly Hills zip code is more her style....

no she's pretty prosperous based huckster of magical thinking, her talks are filled with it. I lived in LA for 11 years and ran in those 'seeker' crowds in LA. It was very calculated of her to switch that rhetoric from faux spiritual BS diatribe to politics. People aren't showing up for that enlightenment crap when they can't feed their families.


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Thank you so much for the link to the article (and the good laugh, I used to live in L.A.). As Former RN I am do concerned for the patient(s) she keeps mentioning in her campaign in regards to their need to ration their insulin. She is putting them into such a bind, or gaslighting them, when in the interview she describes how they would just need to say yes to God‘s will for career/money a/o by stating that the cells of their bodies would self-regulate/heal (if they say Yes, I assume). She shouldn’t be running her campaign on their lack of insulin if she believes that. Thanks for the "enlightening" post.

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"What you think is what you get" (by Marianne Williamson, Oprah.com). Is that not magical thinking or a prosperity gospel?

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People should watch more TYT and get more stupid

Just ask Nathaniel

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